Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Curse of the Singles Table

The Curse of the Singles Table: A True Story of 1001 Nights Without Sex by Suzanne Schlosberg

Another memoir by a single thirty-something woman about how grueling dating can be--with a happy ending! Schlosberg is funny, though, and is every girl who has been through true heartbreak and near despair when going on date after date with no luck. She hit something interesting when talking about her sister's wedding--seemingly her sister and brother-in-law are the perfect couple, but they share their many problems in a book about their relationship for wedding guests. Schlosberg's family is appalled, but it's a nice lesson for all--there is no perfect couple. I just wish she might have focused more on that part of the story instead of going back for too many bad date stories. It dragged a bit at the end.

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