Open House by Elizabeth Berg
I'd read one of Berg's more recent books, Dream While You're Feeling Blue, and really enjoyed it so she had been on my long "to-read" list for a while but I wasn't quite sure which book to tackle next. Then, a co-worker recommended Open House and I knew I had to try it out. I was not disappointed. Berg is a strong writer and she creates believable, likeable characters and places them in common situations. This wasn't the typical "woman finds herself after terrible breakup" book, though. I read it in one night because I really wasn't sure how it would turn out. I wasn't disappointed, but it also was a bit of a surprise which is more than I can usually say for "women's fiction" titles. Highly recommended. I'd like to recommend the author as a whole, but with only two books under my belt and a strong warning from aforementioned co-worker that her others don't deliver the same punch as Open House, I'd better not do that. Yet.